Social Marketing & HeadStart Kent

Here at HeadStart Kent we have this amazing group of young people that come up with fantastic ideas and have this wonderful give it a go attitude.

We can be found monthly (and more) with paper, pens and various things we have collected when out and about as we explore new ideas, and develop those we want to run with. However Kent is a big area, and young people do have lives!

So…..we took some of the ideas and devloped what we call a tender package. This explores some of the ideas the group have come up with, and basically asks, can you do it? This then gets sent out to a variety of companies who are asked to provide information as to how they would go about it, and when they could do it by, and how much it would cost. (Obviously there is more to it than that but for our younger audience lets keep things simple).

This document was sent out in February and we are now considering the responses. Watch this space for updates!